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Our Services

Managed Customer Service

As a leading outsourced customer service company, we specialise in providing businesses with best practices for the professional and efficient support they need to succeed. Our team of experts is dedicated to handling all customer complaints and support requests in a timely and effective manner, allowing businesses to focus on core operations and growth.

One of the key benefits of outsourcing customer service to our customer teams is the ability to reduce costs and streamline operations. By partnering with us, businesses can avoid the significant expense of hiring and training in-house customer service staff, while also ensuring that they have access to the latest technology and tools.

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Consulting & Auditing

Our Consulting and Audit Services offer tailored solutions to corporate businesses seeking to enhance their customer service management. With a meticulous approach, we conduct comprehensive assessments of systems, processes, and team dynamics to identify areas for improvement and implement effective strategies. Our aim is to elevate customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, driving long-term success for our clients in the highly competitive business landscape.

Our dedicated team of customer service managers specialize in conducting thorough assessments of customer service processes, systems, and practices. Through a combination of on-site visits, remote access, and staff surveys, we provide invaluable insights to identify areas of improvement and implement effective strategies for customer retention and customer loyalty.

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Online Reputation Management

Build business reputation with our reputation management team that is dedicated to improving and maintaining your online presence and reputation. At Excevo, we help businesses and individuals protect and enhance their online reputation through various strategies and provide a online reputation manager.

Our reputation management service includes proactive strategies to enhance your online reputation, such as developing and promoting positive content and addressing bad reviews and comments. We also provide guidance on best practices for online reputation management, including responding to online feedback and engaging with your audience.

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E-Commerce Customer Management

Businesses face challenges when it comes to providing exceptional customer service on popular online platforms like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, and Etsy. That's why we have designed our comprehensive customer service solutions specifically tailored for e-commerce businesses like yours.

With our expert team of e-commerce customer service professionals, we take the burden off your shoulders by handling all customer complaints and support requests, ensuring that your customers receive timely and efficient assistance. Our e-commerce customer service agents are trained to navigate the unique dynamics of e-commerce platforms, allowing them to provide seamless customer experiences and boost your online reputation.

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Excevo understands the importance of accurate and reliable transcription services for businesses across various industries. Whether you're a law firm, HR company, or any other organization in need of transcription assistance, we have the expertise and capabilities to cater to your specific requirements.

Our Professional Transcription Services are designed to alleviate the time-consuming task of transcribing audio or video recordings, allowing you to focus on your core operations while we handle the intricate details. With our team of skilled transcriptionists, we deliver high-quality transcriptions with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to confidentiality.

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SurgeAssist™ - Demand and Volume Management Solution

We at Excevo understand that businesses often experience fluctuations in customer demands and ticket volumes, requiring additional support to maintain exceptional customer service. That's why we are thrilled to introduce our newest service, SurgeAssist. With SurgeAssist, we provide flexible and scalable solutions to effectively manage peak periods and surges in ticket volumes. Our experienced team of customer service managers seamlessly integrates with your existing team, ensuring a smooth and efficient customer experience during high-demand periods. Trust SurgeAssist to optimize your customer service management, ensuring satisfaction even during the busiest times.

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Advisor Recruitment

At Excevo, we understand that the heart of exceptional customer service lies in having the

right people on your team. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our Advisor Recruitment

Solution – a service tailored to empower your business to recruit and onboard top-tier

customer service agents efficiently and effectively.

Our solution streamlines the entire recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to

onboarding, ensuring you have access to a pool of highly qualified individuals who are ready

to champion your customer service efforts. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and expert

recruiters, we identify candidates with the perfect blend of skills, experience, and attitude to

align with your company's values and goals.

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